History Memes 46

  • Опубликовано: 18 мар 2025
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Комментарии • 596

  • @hushIye
    @hushIye 5 лет назад +811

    History in books: Boring
    History in Memes:

  • @knightwolf9553
    @knightwolf9553 5 лет назад +264

    Boat Tragedies:
    Girls: Titanic
    Boys: Bismarck

    • @cykachu2661
      @cykachu2661 5 лет назад +19

      Love Story Tragedies:
      Girls: (insert some womans movie i aint watched)
      Boys: Molotov-Ribbentrop

    • @-uk-1839
      @-uk-1839 5 лет назад +1

      Good boi

    • @JostVanWair
      @JostVanWair 5 лет назад +4

      Men: *Wilhelm Gustloff*

    • @arandomperson2931
      @arandomperson2931 5 лет назад +3

      Pearl harbor

    • @xtratic
      @xtratic 5 лет назад


  • @sam_gleze
    @sam_gleze 5 лет назад +150

    Mexico: *Gets Invaded by the USA*
    That 6 kids in Chapultepec Castle:
    Peace was never an option

  • @shino3028
    @shino3028 5 лет назад +570

    Someone: Theres no more Mandalorian memes to be found.
    Me: Thats the understatement of the millennium.

    • @Mugistan
      @Mugistan 5 лет назад +1

      How dare you still alive for hot belgian waffles

    • @kampbelljensen2428
      @kampbelljensen2428 5 лет назад +6

      This party never stops.Time is dead and meaning has no meaning. Existence is upside down and I reign supreme. Welcome one and all to Weirdmaggedon

    • @nishi03111
      @nishi03111 5 лет назад +1

      Omg lol

    • @symetriam6211
      @symetriam6211 5 лет назад +3

      Random person: *makes a bill cipher account*
      Everyone: wEiRdMaGgEden

    • @andrewberrocal2281
      @andrewberrocal2281 5 лет назад +2

      Hold my beskar

  • @keatonburton6064
    @keatonburton6064 5 лет назад +174

    Other religions: *exist*
    Roman Catholic Church: "If god had wanted you to live, he would not have created me!"

    • @fayeandfrasier
      @fayeandfrasier 5 лет назад +3

      love that tf2 reference

    • @rajulaser4807
      @rajulaser4807 5 лет назад +2

      What about Islam. Say about that fucking terrorist religion you atheist or Saracen dog

    • @rajulaser4807
      @rajulaser4807 5 лет назад +1


    • @mightysword6884
      @mightysword6884 5 лет назад +7

      @@rajulaser4807 pffffff brainwashed by media

    • @rajulaser4807
      @rajulaser4807 5 лет назад +1

      @CyroLion • Well, there's a fucking reason I say this......... I had a Muslim friend. And I'm Christian, he was a good friendly guy, always played with me, we both were best friends
      One day he asked me... Which religion do u like... I was like ... I like every religion he asked me "do you like Islam?". I was like " ya ya"..... And his expression changed all from friendly to a hostile face..... And he asked me loudly " then why the fuck can't you convert to Islam??". I was like... Taken. Aback. My best friend telling me such things and that too very unexpected from such a person.

  • @spacesky5725
    @spacesky5725 5 лет назад +237

    People: whoa! Ussr get to Berlin and defeated Nazis
    Stalin: tsar Alexander made the way to the Paris

  • @pazepubg468
    @pazepubg468 5 лет назад +358

    Memenade: posting at 4pm gmt
    Me: impossible

    • @ana-mariachendea7495
      @ana-mariachendea7495 5 лет назад +5

      This doesn't have more likes because people don't know what gmt means

    • @berrychii7138
      @berrychii7138 5 лет назад +1

      @@ana-mariachendea7495 I do too *darn*

  • @axolotlsaremexicans5447
    @axolotlsaremexicans5447 5 лет назад +278

    Everyone: France sucks
    me : *Angry baguette noises*

    • @leroiarouf1142
      @leroiarouf1142 5 лет назад +25

      @@theskibidi7485 vive la france

    • @leroiarouf1142
      @leroiarouf1142 5 лет назад +17

      @Inutile Productions france> world

    • @konakl
      @konakl 5 лет назад +19

      france best food

    • @vitoscalita
      @vitoscalita 5 лет назад +5

      U know France surendred so any times even before ww2

    • @leroiarouf1142
      @leroiarouf1142 5 лет назад +30

      @@vitoscalita lot of cuntry surrender more than france( austria empire, prussia, spain, netherland)
      France in 1500 years of history surrender 2 time and won the most batle in human history.
      Stop bashing france litle💩

  • @nasafan23dl44
    @nasafan23dl44 5 лет назад +196

    Seven British soldiers after they got hit with some snowballs: sO aNyWay We sTArteD BlAsTinG

    • @shaq6976
      @shaq6976 5 лет назад +21

      NASAfan23 dl
      British Soldiers: shoot of fear because they get Thrown at with big stones from a Bigger Group of people in a Colony Where almost everyone Hates them, thousands of Kilometers from Home and Get Exampled as the Bad guys

    • @MrDog-st4ru
      @MrDog-st4ru 5 лет назад +4

      My mom in december: brrr its cold
      Me and my siblings: *wearing shorts and no jacket or hat

    • @derdingsreturnsnochmal5177
      @derdingsreturnsnochmal5177 5 лет назад +4

      Maybe I got some things confused, but didn't they shoot after their commanding officer told them to, while falling to the ground only half-concious after being hit in the head by a thrown stone, and didn't he end up before a tribunal for it?

    • @theArab__
      @theArab__ 5 лет назад +1

      Lol that’s a lie, they were throwing rocks

    • @jaypandya1346
      @jaypandya1346 5 лет назад +1

      Oh yes! The BIG MASSACRE which killed only five civilians
      General Dyer: Am i a joke to you?

  • @skywarslord4680
    @skywarslord4680 5 лет назад +37

    Ukraine: *Breaths*
    USSR: Hippity Hoppity Ukraine is now *OUR* property

  • @yahia3658
    @yahia3658 5 лет назад +315

    History memes: *exist*
    Cool history teacher: it’s free real estate
    Edit : omg I didn’t expect this much likes thank you so much

  • @batsaretrash4290
    @batsaretrash4290 5 лет назад +21

    Reminder that France didnt surrender all the time and the Allies also used tear gas, mustard gas and chlorine gas.

  • @phantomaviator1318
    @phantomaviator1318 5 лет назад +102

    The middle east: _organizes itself together to attack Israel_
    Israel: *_needs more dakka_*

  • @eden_essence
    @eden_essence 5 лет назад +60

    Me in front of my crush out loud: Oh, hi..
    Me in front of my crush in my head: *WE ARE GOING TO GET MARRIED AND PRINT 1,347 BABIES.*

    • @mrwehraboo5478
      @mrwehraboo5478 5 лет назад +6

      Thats just as many as tiger 1s produced in ww2

    • @zangantar3902
      @zangantar3902 5 лет назад +2

      How do you PRINT babies!? 😂

    • @noobsaibot8780
      @noobsaibot8780 5 лет назад +4

      @@zangantar3902 like money in 1920s Germany.

    • @wurttmapper2200
      @wurttmapper2200 5 лет назад +3

      @@zangantar3902 You just have to get a USB flash drive from an external source and insert it into the printer's USB port. Wait around 9 months, and the baby will be ready.

    • @themold
      @themold 5 лет назад +3

      Wow, printing technology has advanced much.

  • @AustrianGuy
    @AustrianGuy 5 лет назад +10

    Caesar: * Goes into a room *
    Brutus and Senators: *You've picked the wrong house fool*

  • @susanafz7130
    @susanafz7130 5 лет назад +23

    Me: *Laughs too hard for 2 minutes*
    Me 2 minutes later: Half of my respiratory organs were destroyed

  • @e.e.y.1803
    @e.e.y.1803 5 лет назад +42

    The "Carving up Turkey" hits too close to home

  • @cooliocertifier3287
    @cooliocertifier3287 5 лет назад +33

    The first one is so true. I hate how France is remembered for a surrender even if they were incredibly powerful.

  • @itzal1ce822
    @itzal1ce822 5 лет назад +18

    0:48 LOL after seeing 1 billion girls: (text)/boys: (picture) memes, finally it's reversed

  • @AGENT-tk3sq
    @AGENT-tk3sq 5 лет назад +8

    Texans going on a trip to the Alamo
    "After all these years,I would return to to scene of my greatest military defeat as a TOURIST"

  • @jackon101
    @jackon101 5 лет назад +22

    Everyone when WW1 is over:”YAY The war is over”
    Germany:”peace was never a option”

  • @hellfire2733
    @hellfire2733 5 лет назад +6

    Mom: why didnt you do the dishes
    My brain: act dumb
    Me: who are you
    Mom: joe mama
    Me and my brain: *confused screaming*

    • @momentumtcg3346
      @momentumtcg3346 5 лет назад

      Hell Fire this comment confused me so much. Take my like

  • @graysaurn
    @graysaurn 5 лет назад +26

    Can we just talk about how weird Benjamin Franklin was-

    • @graysaurn
      @graysaurn 5 лет назад

      @Yeet two words. _Air bath_

  • @kaisercalvin1742
    @kaisercalvin1742 5 лет назад +4

    Me: Brags about my killstreak.
    Everyone else at the Neremburg Trials:

  • @lustantinoanimations5699
    @lustantinoanimations5699 5 лет назад +4

    Europe: You're a wizard, Japan.
    China: *YOU'RE A WEIRDO, JAPAN.*

  • @ReverendLuc
    @ReverendLuc 5 лет назад +3

    Hamilton is the greatest play ever written
    Any Shakespeare play: visible frustration

  • @masterelement475
    @masterelement475 5 лет назад +4

    Philippines after Independence on Spain: Yes! We are now an independent country!
    *_I'm gonna stop you right there_*

  • @Ryu-tl8vy
    @Ryu-tl8vy 5 лет назад +10

    The UK and the Axis in WW2 : "French soldiers are ferocious"
    The world today about France in WW2 : "French are coward"
    France : visible confusion.

  • @baddestelf9389
    @baddestelf9389 5 лет назад +6

    Me: watches tiktok RUclips and Netflix at the same time
    My parents: impossible

  • @presidentbanana4536
    @presidentbanana4536 5 лет назад +9

    As if that was special. Charlemagne had so many kids, every third German or French is probably a descendent of him or his close relatives (just an educated guess). I know I am, and I'm not exactly high royalty.

  • @ahmedmuawia2447
    @ahmedmuawia2447 5 лет назад +11

    Sabaton Memes Video
    **No One Made It Yet**
    Memenade: It's free real state,
    But No I don't think I will.

  • @Rageofwrestling
    @Rageofwrestling 5 лет назад +9

    me: helps my friend with his homework
    Also me: im about to start this mans whole career

    • @le5052
      @le5052 5 лет назад

      Walter Cruz ??

  • @matthewk9637
    @matthewk9637 5 лет назад +6

    Me : Thinking how the spoon doesn't splash water on me
    Telepathic people : Impossible

  • @Daveo3
    @Daveo3 5 лет назад +2

    America: laughs at france for surrendering in ww2
    France: laughs at America for failing to invade Vietnam
    America: no, this is now how your ment to play the game

  • @user-gr2wy8no3v
    @user-gr2wy8no3v 5 лет назад +20

    Roses are red
    My rent is due
    I got a like
    Oh wait it is blue

  • @nutellamonsta5602
    @nutellamonsta5602 5 лет назад +11

    Germany after WW1: We were bad, but now we are worse

    • @no-gracias9863
      @no-gracias9863 5 лет назад

      They only started one ww

    • @nutellamonsta5602
      @nutellamonsta5602 5 лет назад

      @@no-gracias9863 they didn't start any

    • @filetsteak5677
      @filetsteak5677 5 лет назад

      @@nutellamonsta5602 they started one

    • @nutellamonsta5602
      @nutellamonsta5602 5 лет назад

      @@filetsteak5677 someone who's an intellectual would say Austria started both WW1 and WW2. You've got to understand memes and also technically the allies declared war.

    • @filetsteak5677
      @filetsteak5677 5 лет назад

      @@nutellamonsta5602 the second world war was started by Hitler in Germany

  • @Kokangalang
    @Kokangalang 5 лет назад +5

    Stature of Liberty then:
    Stature of liberty now

  • @Syliag7
    @Syliag7 5 лет назад +4

    Memenade: *pulls out a Jeanne d'Arc meme*
    Me: a surprise to be sure, but a welcome want

  • @EoinJoyceMapping
    @EoinJoyceMapping 5 лет назад +3

    Britain, France, Soviet Union, USA: we have you four to one
    Nazi Germany: I like those odds

    • @nerevarchthn6860
      @nerevarchthn6860 5 лет назад

      DeFAULT Designs nazi germany: its all coming together...

  • @uhh2544
    @uhh2544 5 лет назад +1

    France surrender once
    Charle De Gaulle : *No*

  • @Admiral45-10
    @Admiral45-10 5 лет назад

    Literally every Polish neighbor in 1918: *we have you 4 to 1*
    II Polish Commonwelth: *I like those odds*

  • @corruptedproductions5024
    @corruptedproductions5024 5 лет назад +4

    I going to think about telling random kids that this was santa. The picture:Adolf Hitler

  • @Snailiens
    @Snailiens 5 лет назад +9

    When 1/3 of Europe gets killed by rats
    *happy rat noises*

  • @patatas9385
    @patatas9385 5 лет назад +3

    Greece: Destroys Italy in WWII
    Germany: There is another one

  • @JamesJohnson-iq5wb
    @JamesJohnson-iq5wb 5 лет назад +2

    Julius Caeser: *Exsisting*
    Brutus: *Teleports behind him* Nothing personal kid

  • @NearlyH3adlessNick
    @NearlyH3adlessNick 5 лет назад +2

    3:11 hey Santa can we have presen---
    Santa: **Coal for all!!!**

  • @Justis_321
    @Justis_321 5 лет назад +5

    0:46 that's a twist

  • @xianxiaemperor1438
    @xianxiaemperor1438 5 лет назад +2

    Chinese Emperor : dies
    Warlords and Princes : It's showtime

  • @vinnietom6766
    @vinnietom6766 5 лет назад +4

    My history teacher: (telling us a land invasion on japan would have been more gruesome then nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki)
    Me: (talking about the only battle fought on American soil and it was friendly fire battle)

    • @eco_k.o_o
      @eco_k.o_o 5 лет назад

      The British burnt down the White House in the 1800s I consider that a battle with 2 sides.

  • @scrapedknee_
    @scrapedknee_ 5 лет назад +8

    I’m a girl and I love that they finally made a meme where girls are the cool ones

  • @huldanoren951
    @huldanoren951 5 лет назад +3

    Ancient Greece: I love democracy

  • @miki4651
    @miki4651 5 лет назад +5

    0:05 Canada hasn't lost a single battle

  • @thefreeforecaster717
    @thefreeforecaster717 5 лет назад +3

    did you know in 1814 a whole french city surrendered to one hussar

  • @lukemichaeljohn
    @lukemichaeljohn 5 лет назад +4


  • @stupidgummyworm9157
    @stupidgummyworm9157 5 лет назад +6

    5:34 I a female did NOT cry in Titanic

  • @avocados31
    @avocados31 5 лет назад +1

    I only cried in Titanic bc Jack could have lived,THERE WAS ROOM FOR 2 ON THE DOOR THING SHE WAS ON

  • @KKENTpromotions
    @KKENTpromotions 5 лет назад +2

    My fighting my little brother :'punch punch'
    Me:'super mode activated press xxx on the control to do a combo'

  • @farisaniq1415
    @farisaniq1415 5 лет назад +1

    Me : *don't know much about history*
    Me : *chuckle* Im in danger

  • @user-mw4cx7qr2q
    @user-mw4cx7qr2q 5 лет назад +2

    Good job men we have survived NNN see you next year soldier

  • @DiamondYoshi101
    @DiamondYoshi101 5 лет назад

    Time traveler 1: We time traveled!
    Time traveler 2: Yeah but at what time?
    Time traveler 1: Let’s ask that guy. Hey! What is going on?
    Citizen: People are throwing our tea into the ocean!
    Time traveler: So we’re in the lead up to the American Revolution.
    Citizen: The. WHAT?!

  • @Syliag7
    @Syliag7 5 лет назад +9

    France: *helps America to become independent and sends them the statue of liberty as a gift*
    America: *mocks France for surrendering once in an otherwise almost flawless military history*
    France: excusez moi, c'est quoi cette merde ?

    • @Admiral45-10
      @Admiral45-10 5 лет назад

      France in 1940: ,,Although we've been defeated, we did the most to protect ourselves"
      Poland: *Przepraszam, co k----a?*

    • @Syliag7
      @Syliag7 5 лет назад

      @@Admiral45-10 quite ironically, the reason for the quick defeat is simply that our generals were dumb as fuck.
      For instance, the Germans managed to take the Maginot line so quickly because those dipshits didn't think about a tiny detail while making the cannons: making them able to rotate. The cannons could be moved up or down but not from side to side. And since all of them where directed outwards and the Germans went around the line... You can guess how that went XD

  • @efekaplan5125
    @efekaplan5125 5 лет назад +6

    Atatürk: ı dont think so

    • @stantorren4400
      @stantorren4400 5 лет назад

      Efe Kaplan Kurds: *Angry mountain noises*

  • @lts840308
    @lts840308 5 лет назад +4

    Me: points at England
    My little sister: is that London?

    • @spacesky5725
      @spacesky5725 5 лет назад

      Points on Russia
      Sister: is that America?

  • @theiceylemon6784
    @theiceylemon6784 5 лет назад +3

    History memes are great.

  • @johntumahab323
    @johntumahab323 5 лет назад

    The France meme teaches a brutal lesson: You are never any better than how you've performed lately.

    • @p.b6032
      @p.b6032 5 лет назад

      Meanwhile the US has been losing nearly every single war they began since half a century

  • @TheStopShort
    @TheStopShort 5 лет назад +1

    I’m gonna tell my kids this guy invented Lincoln logs
    (Shows a penny)

  • @souptime3915
    @souptime3915 5 лет назад +1

    This video be teaching me more than my history class

  • @ferretneedssleep8451
    @ferretneedssleep8451 5 лет назад +3

    When at 11:44 the video was posted 44 mins ago but at 11:48 it was posted 45 mins ago:
    *the time traveler*

  • @silegolas
    @silegolas 5 лет назад +4

    Any meme on this video:
    Caesar meme: prepare for trouble and make it DOUBLE

  • @shrekisthebestfranchiseand5032
    @shrekisthebestfranchiseand5032 5 лет назад

    I like how shrek is always in these videos

  • @bigjalapeno7061
    @bigjalapeno7061 5 лет назад +1

    When you are catching Pokemon in Pokemon Lets Go and your brother plays multiplayer to help you: Apes together strong

  • @boithisisntreddit9677
    @boithisisntreddit9677 5 лет назад +5

    Are we gonna ignore that memenade used memes twice?

  • @HalduBouyaNono2
    @HalduBouyaNono2 5 лет назад

    One of the best History memes

  • @Peregrin3
    @Peregrin3 5 лет назад

    I'm conflicted between laughing at memes and sighing because of all the historical inaccuracies.

  • @Technicotop
    @Technicotop 5 лет назад +1

    5:16 Robospierre :D
    (involuntary pun with "Robespierre" name, that gives something like "JF-Mecha" instead of "JFK")

  • @arnavjadhav296
    @arnavjadhav296 5 лет назад +1

    1:48 When Memenade uses Shrek in a History meme
    *Everyone Liked That*

  • @andreisolzh6050
    @andreisolzh6050 5 лет назад +14

    We have school tomorrow...

    • @swedewtf
      @swedewtf 5 лет назад

      Incorrect RUclipsTutorials i dont get fucked

    • @rethinkthat4718
      @rethinkthat4718 5 лет назад +2

      Incorrect RUclipsTutorials ikr i hate that feeling

    • @andreisolzh6050
      @andreisolzh6050 5 лет назад +1

      Rethink that it sucks

  • @ancientwarrior3482
    @ancientwarrior3482 5 лет назад

    Eating before D-Day: *barfing and unstable moral noises*

  • @solarr699
    @solarr699 5 лет назад

    *Sees first meme*
    Al Murray: allow me to introduce myself

  • @davidescobarcoca7166
    @davidescobarcoca7166 5 лет назад +2

    Evo Morales: **Makes an democratic election to chose between**
    1) He stay
    2) He doesn't stay
    The people choose the number 2 because everyone doesnt want Evo Morales to be president.
    Evo Morales: No I dont think I will

  • @borktornado723
    @borktornado723 5 лет назад

    Memenade: says that Galileo made heliocetric theory.
    Copernicus: *sad Turun noices*

  • @rulostian
    @rulostian 5 лет назад

    Benito Mussolini:*see's a very underdeveloped country*
    Benito Mussolini:peace was never a option

  • @aleksandarvil5718
    @aleksandarvil5718 5 лет назад +1

    2:45 Australians in Republic of Turkey (post-WW1)

  • @aleksandarvil5718
    @aleksandarvil5718 5 лет назад +2

    6:04 LMAO 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @xxrobloxgamerproxx
    @xxrobloxgamerproxx 5 лет назад

    im sitting listening to this while fixing my bike

  • @movedtoanotherchannel2611
    @movedtoanotherchannel2611 5 лет назад +3

    Would Australians think that were upside down?

  • @sparxonn
    @sparxonn 5 лет назад

    I heard there was going to be some Hazbin Hotel in this episode, so I came running.

  • @samuell.1094
    @samuell.1094 5 лет назад +2

    The first one about France is so true, people reacting like this are sooo annoying omg

  • @gamingbaselcat7436
    @gamingbaselcat7436 5 лет назад +2

    0:48 ????????
    Hold up
    Oh 1:18 baby making this white death Loadout in BFV

  • @casteddu6740
    @casteddu6740 5 лет назад +4

    Me who tried to explain my father the same thing months ago: *they called me a mad man*

  • @jjnix9517
    @jjnix9517 5 лет назад +2

    When you realize Austria started both world wars and Germany got screwed

  • @sspdhemss949
    @sspdhemss949 5 лет назад

    So glad that Team Fortress 2 memes are still alive. Happy to see that as I am a tf2 player myself.

  • @historyisthebest5831
    @historyisthebest5831 5 лет назад

    0:12. Martin Luther's 95 theses. Martin Luther is a German priest who wants to improve the Catholic Church against corruption. Church officials (including the Pope) encouraged the Sale Of Indulgence in which people can buy their "reduced penalties," or a shortened time in purgatory, through money. However, Luther believed that indulgence could not be bought as real forgiveness requires sincere repentance. He nailed a list on the church door for everybody to see. The list included 95 bullet points, and it's comprised of complaints against the Sale Of Indulgence as well as many of Luther's beliefs and ideas. This list is known to the world as the "95 Theses."

  • @aleksandarvil5718
    @aleksandarvil5718 5 лет назад

    3:50 Yeltsin: *'Well Yes, But Actually NO.'*

  • @Ryan-iu5tx
    @Ryan-iu5tx 5 лет назад +2

    5:59 I know parts of my family back to 4,000 bc
    I’m not in anyway an aristocrat either

  • @jianlopez737
    @jianlopez737 5 лет назад

    Persians: We outnumber you 900 to 1
    Spartans: I like those odds

  • @ramsesjsv
    @ramsesjsv 5 лет назад

    Spain in English history books:nice
    Spain in Puerto Rican history books:
    *u n n i c e*

  • @simplymarshal1167
    @simplymarshal1167 5 лет назад

    Yeltsin: *dissolves the soviet union
    Gorbachev: *unfortunately for you history will not see it that way*

  • @boltscrew
    @boltscrew 5 лет назад +2

    Israel in Arabian history books:
    Israel in real life: stronger than ever

  • @darketoile8228
    @darketoile8228 5 лет назад

    7:07 Egypt dug out the Suez canal in 1867 by a FRENCH engineer ,and the United Kingdom of Great Britain didn't colonize Egypt until it was 1887.