I Doubled My Silver many times in a day with this Investment Strategy in Albion Online!

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Want to know how I doubled my silver in Albion Online over and over again? In this video, I'll share my unique investment strategy that helped me achieve massive profits. Whether you're a new player or a seasoned veteran, these tips and techniques will help you build your in-game wealth quickly! Don’t miss the chance to discover the secrets of Albion Online's economy and how to use them to your advantage. Watch the video now and start your journey toward financial success in the game!"
    📌 Don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel for more amazing tips and strategies! 💬 Share your experience in the comments below.
    #AlbionOnline #SilverFarming #AlbionGuide #MMORPG #GamingTips #AlbionEconomy #AlbionInvestments #AlbionMoneyMaking #GamingCommunity #AlbionOnlineTips

Комментарии • 49

  • @HannielNefiel
    @HannielNefiel 4 месяца назад +12

    4:35 I love how the bear is vibing with the music 😭😍

  • @njvanheerden2157
    @njvanheerden2157 4 месяца назад +2

    This video was useful. I'm in BW, but will transport as you mentioned. Thanks again.

  • @jc-gu5zu
    @jc-gu5zu 4 месяца назад +21

    I mean, it's 80% profit but if it works like that then it's not the best, like you spent one day to fill the buy orders (or a few minutes if you buy it from sell orders), then you need 1 hour to transport back and forth and another half an hour or one hour to refine, so in ~2 hours you made 800k in 2 hours? Sure if you had a mammoth that would be close to 8m (I did x10), in my opinion if your activity someone does doesn't make 1mil per hour either in silver or fame then it's a waste of time. I'm sure you just wanted to make a video and that 80% profit is a good clickbait and can keep the audience a little bit longer, I would prefer to have a 20% profit but I can transport 20mil in materials/gears or whatever and have a profit of 4mil

    • @TheX0763
      @TheX0763  4 месяца назад +3

      if you watched till end i think you will see that i said that .
      1st problem resources: i could buy 30M resources in a day all you need buy orders before you go sleep in all cities
      2nd Problem transport : i covered this with ava road transport the trip take 2-3 minutes and not very dangerous as its rare to find gankers that can dismount winter bear in this roads between royal maps - for example i transported in 1 food (30 minutes) equal 3 full mammoth with just winter bear in ava road 😉😉

    • @polytibar6230
      @polytibar6230 4 месяца назад +1

      i do this before when i only has winter bear, i remmember the pain transporting back n forth ML to Lymp 8x with t4 leathers and it double my silver, dont call your self a refiner if your lazy, buy ordering is like a pvp in the market. bm is one of the easiest way to x4 your silver but u have to go to rz. its up to what you choose. for me its fine to tranaport while watching a kdrama. 😂😂😂

    • @jc-gu5zu
      @jc-gu5zu 4 месяца назад +3

      @TheX0763 if you mass buy in that volume then instead of 80% it's going to be 60% ( if you have to sell order again or if it takes to long ), also really? Ava roads? In blue/yellow zone portals are where most gankers are, they know that transports from hideouts will use them, and if you bring your T8 bear against 5-7 people then good luck getting out of there, cuz you won't, sure it won't be on the first or second but on the third? Well, you just lost a few millions

    • @jc-gu5zu
      @jc-gu5zu 4 месяца назад +3

      @polytibar6230 it's not lazy to spend your time efficiently, if I wanted to refine at least I'd do it right, sure at first is slow, it's not like I didn't do it, but looking to were I'm now I'm just saying yh I shouldn't have done that. For 1-2 months I was just refining, crafting and selling to BM, I don't how much I made (~30-60mil) but I spent 5-9 hours daily on the game which isn't healthy. The only reason I said it was because it's the biggest time sink hole, sure if you have a mammoth then you're good, but other than that you just don't make a lot of silver, unless you craft enchanted gear I guess

    • @legitcheats4073
      @legitcheats4073 4 месяца назад +1

      @@jc-gu5zu he is just really a ganker in disguise and he wants you to do it this way soo he can get rich quick

  • @frankiej933
    @frankiej933 4 месяца назад +6

    NO HOMO! But bro your voice is incredibly enjoyable to listen too. I feel like I am listening to a very enjoyable nature documentary or a cold case files tv show. I enjoyed the information and presentation as well. Earned a sub and like for sure and I look forward to more videos!

    • @rabeiabdallah6146
      @rabeiabdallah6146 4 месяца назад +9

      U are listening to an AI

    • @frankiej933
      @frankiej933 4 месяца назад +1

      ​@@rabeiabdallah6146That makes sense! That being said I feel more content creators could benefit from using a very calm AI voice for these type of instructional videos

    • @rabeiabdallah6146
      @rabeiabdallah6146 3 месяца назад

      @@frankiej933 yaa . But I adore more normal being than ai b

    • @migmigeviota2109
      @migmigeviota2109 2 месяца назад


  • @Ritesh1863
    @Ritesh1863 24 дня назад

    Is this work in asia server and I am non premium person so it will work?

  • @darknesstimee5887
    @darknesstimee5887 4 месяца назад +1

    This i true legit this is my money making

  • @NyanManStyle
    @NyanManStyle 4 месяца назад +1

    It's funny to see how the estimated value of items in the inventory decreases during refining.
    IGN OhDaeSu

    • @TheX0763
      @TheX0763  4 месяца назад +1

      Decrease ?? I think you mean increase xd 😂

    • @NyanManStyle
      @NyanManStyle 4 месяца назад

      @@TheX0763 Of course increase:) My bad.

  • @pasupati7264
    @pasupati7264 2 месяца назад

    Frnds I'm new to this Albion I couldn't find a frnd to play with can anyone help me with it

  • @cockroachman2546
    @cockroachman2546 3 месяца назад

    Please provide guidelines for selling ore.😂

  • @MrTsLINKERhoden
    @MrTsLINKERhoden 3 месяца назад +2

    downvoting so people dont steal my income

  • @kangipin2768
    @kangipin2768 3 месяца назад

    what about non-premium? is it still worth it. IPINHO (UE server)

    • @geraldcabalquinto4732
      @geraldcabalquinto4732 3 месяца назад +1

      no need to use focus on low tier matts cuz it doesn't have spec only t4 and up
      prem only helps to save silver from tax

    • @kangipin2768
      @kangipin2768 3 месяца назад

      @@geraldcabalquinto4732 so not premium can do this ?

  • @mehdimon8225
    @mehdimon8225 2 месяца назад

    What if we get ganked while transporting?

    • @Steve_krm
      @Steve_krm 2 месяца назад

      Go through yellow zones

    • @mehdimon8225
      @mehdimon8225 2 месяца назад

      @Steve_krm without need of crossing red zones?

    • @Steve_krm
      @Steve_krm 2 месяца назад

      @@mehdimon8225 yeah

    • @ShiTachibana_
      @ShiTachibana_ Месяц назад

      just transport in yellow and blue zones only

  • @TwizzyRackzOn
    @TwizzyRackzOn 3 месяца назад

    But why you make better leather in maltrock

  • @Johnnyw-oj6nt
    @Johnnyw-oj6nt 4 месяца назад

    ella es como tu y yo pero es indigente

    • @xzyr-o6s
      @xzyr-o6s Месяц назад

      es indigente

  • @KralYaroglek-x1f
    @KralYaroglek-x1f 4 месяца назад

    Good strategy for profit.
    For giveaway:

  • @ctn_saykon9098
    @ctn_saykon9098 3 месяца назад

  • @DRRREX690
    @DRRREX690 3 месяца назад


  • @BhlulRsulzad
    @BhlulRsulzad 3 месяца назад


  • @pogz1
    @pogz1 3 месяца назад

    wow is this east