Not just women but, speaking personally, some heterosexual men also watching two hot women having sex. Women are far more attractive than men, and two women having sex just doubles that ratio!! A particular favourite of mine is Lesbian Incest so I am totally up for seeing Sophia having sex with Ellie and/or Patricia. And in fact after update v0-100 when I listed out 10 people that I was hoping to see Sophia have sex with, at some point and potentially across several different story routes, 7 out of the 10 were women.
So whilst I would like Sophia at some point to have sex with a man who is nt Liam (and DP's and Gangbangs would be nice even if highly unlikely) I am more than happy to see Sophia succumb first in the arms of a woman. In part because it is a more likely prospect that Sophia FIRST cheat with a woman rather than a man. And the earlier Sophia is having sex, so long as it is consistent with storyline so far, the happier I will be!