Gerudo Valley - Malcura (Legend of Zelda Cover)
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- UPDATE: The studio version of this just got posted by the official channel, check it out here: • Gerudo Valley - Malcur...
A video of Malcura performing live on Bourke st in Melbourne on white night
2020 Edit: Just a reminder guys, I am not associated with Malcura and just happened to take this video while visiting Melbourne in 2015 and posted it because I thought it was amazing and have loved Zelda since I was a kid.
P.S. I do occasionally check out the comments, love to see everyone's reactions 😋
Bro is his hand not attached to his arm
He's flailing that shit like it's a whip
He doing that Cory Wong, just turning the bones in his hand into cartilage.
Its a spanish flamenco strumming technique... fyi.
@@macrodriguez8834 what's the name of it? Do you kno by chance?
@@nekuchan900 of course, its called the Rumba Flamenca. Your welcome :)
@@macrodriguez8834 cheers!
I would lose my shit if I was just walking down the street and randomly heard gerudo valley.
Agreed I would be like " OH BOI ITS SMOOCHIN TIMEE!!"
100% would hold up the group to go listen.
I would be scared I would be kicked out for being a man
@@christopherdean5784 nyagh
I’d give a huge tip
I love the idea that probably 90% of the people walking by have no idea that this is from a game and just think it's a great song.
It is great song tho I have some non gamer friends who are Spanish and they love it lol
And that it's mexican.
Probably even 99%
Probably mucho more! Like 99%
@@boskar1298 flamenco is Spanish not mexican
99% of the people would’ve been like ‘that’s a lovely traditional Spanish song’ oblivious to the fact they’re listening to a Koji Kondo masterpiece
Fax bro
Only if that 99% was over the age of 99.
A very small percentage of people have heard Gerudo Valley, especially the older crowd.
Thats because its in rumba flamenco style. Its normal people think its a spanish song since its a spanish genre.
I would have lost my shit if I heard that randomly walking down the street
Anthony Hernandez Same! I would have went crazy bitch and go dancin!
Sunshine Lollipops lets go dancing
Anthony Hernandez same! I would have been like, mom, dad stop. I must record and fangirl!!!😂
Haley Kimmel splatoon aye, you have a switch?
Anthony Hernandez Guess what happened to me just a couple of days ago?😂
Dude's hand looks like an animation glitch is going on.
Then Burlap to Cashmere would really blow your mind.
How else are ya gonna get the percussion like they have it? ~
He’s strumming flamenco style! It’s basically turning the strings and body of the guitar into a percussion instrument
I paid the whole guitar I'm gonna use the whole guitar
Gerudo Valley was made to be played like this
Preferably in a Spanish town somewhere
Close to the ocean in a 2 floors building at 5:50 pm with Spanish clothes
and a night light party with fandango dancers and hot chicks at the back of the hotel
@@ItaGoric what is spanish clothes? jajaja
Garcia he’s probably one of those American conservatives who thinks Mexico and Spain are the same thing
Getting off the bus and realizing you’re in Gerudo Valley 😂
Time to turn the fuck rrright back around.
Id cry
That dude on the left was born without wrist bones. In place of those bones is something called "pure skill"
I think the other one doesn't have a palm in his right hand.
@@ASSamiYT I think he does. Look closely.
Little flamenco have you seen... Come to spain and you'll see... Or lisren to the Rumba
The guy on the right is more skilled, the guy on the left looks like he's doing more but it's more of flashy and less impressive than it might look....nonetheless he is still pretty skilled, just don't take away from the right guy..
He does have wrist bones, but they're rubber.
A song intended to sound Spanish written by the Japanese being played by Australians being watched by people from all over the world. Just wow.
Mr. Worldwide
it's being played by Australians who are in Australia
theyre australian
It is Spanish.
A song made to be Spanish, written by the Japanese, intended for an Arabic inspired people, being played by Australians. By God it's beautiful
Do you want to give all your rupees to this guys?
>fuck yeah
Hell yeah!
Maybe the best comment i have ever read
@@vampirebiggie2236 thank you Buddy!
Japanese produced
Spanish sound
Middle Eastern fictional caste
What a piece of music…
Imagine if a trumpet player suddenly appears from the crowd and starts playing along, filling in that part of the theme
Great now my life is incomplete again, thanks.
I would absolutely loose my shit
And a random troupe of long-dressed senioritas emerge add the clapping.
To the people still stuck in the water temple. This is what you're missing out on.
Nice one
motivation to solve the water temple and beat morpha
Ah, yes. The broken-wrist-technique. Forbidden for mere mortals. Too powerful in the wrong hands. Quite literally.
where's the reddit gold button on youtube, it's a special occasion
Shending Love this power must be the work of an enemy stand
These guys dropped a heat version of gerudo valley on the streets, uploaded it as their only video, and disappeared without a trace. Absolute legends.
canceled by ninjatendos
sheer definition of *one* *hit* *wonder*
They are malcura, they have a studio version uploaded.
Their studio version dropped a while back. It's good, but the street version is still god damn amazing.
Dude I bet you most of the people there were like ooo they are playing Spanish music
Yeah And they probably have no idea it’s from a video game
Y en serio que parece música española!
They have no acended yet to higher level of humanity yet
@@luisapaza317 I have no idea what you said but true
@@jeffrenjr i have said that the musics sound so much spanish haha. :D
99% of the people on the street thinking this is some Spanish folk song.
I think too (laugh)
Spaniard here, gotta give u an applause. (laugh)
Cheese (Laugh)
420 (laugh)
Yo soy edpaöol y hablo español
I’m just amazed no one from Nintendo’s copyright department tackled any hippies in the making of this awesome jam session.
nintendo might be annoying about that sometimes, but they don’t normally copyright covers
This is in Australia they don't give a s*** there
They normally dont copyright in Australia so skew it just keep playing
The tempo is a bit faster and instruments are missing. Probably enough to pass the AI
Think maybe they let it go as a statement? If you love their product enough to play the music in the streets, they'll accept it as a compliment and nothing more. I wish that was the reason.
This is hands down my favorite piece of music from my FAVORITE game. If I had been walking down this street I would have absolutely LOST MY MIND, embarrassed my friends,...and given these guys all my cash
I once lost my shit in a Costco when a guy started playing banjo kazooie songs on the piano my bro was like your So Gay I was like I guess I am for 5 minutes I was banjo kazooie gay
Even people who've never heard of this song are like:
"holy shit this is a banger"
fire prynce it's still a banger if you know what song it is
Still a bang her either way
I'll admit I never played Zelda games but I'm a huge Nintendo fan. I remember hearing this song when playing Super Smash Bros in 2015 it's fire
I was just listening to spotify and it automatically chose this song. It's just so good.
Even the people who are familiar with the song know it’s a banger
People who didnt play Zelda thought it was a spanish song
Zephyr lol. I bet so.
You know this song is only in OoT right? So basically there could be people who have played a Zelda game but not OoT and still think it's something spanish or something........
Tanriel Bloodwood Any Zelda fan should know this song, its one of the most iconic from the series
Unfortunately they all had no idea what a song that is.
I only played Minish cap like 7 years ago, but i know this song lol
"Buenoooo, excuseee me princesa"
-Link Rodríguez
Buuueeenooo, peeeerdona me princessa
"Buenooooo, discúuuuuulpeeeeme princesa"
Yeet, now link is my cousin
Enlace Rodríguez
@@zamora2354 That sounds even better lmao
This is legitimately one of the best covers of this song that I've ever heard. It's so pure. No symphony, no professional studio, just two talented guys with guitars busking on chairs. Love it.
Gerudo Valley ft. Master Hand + Crazy Hand
I searched for this, was this in your recommended?
@@alexcommodore3141 yes lol
Dude, we’ve got a genius right here
he is not playing guitar.. he is living it
Okan Gunes beautifully said.
But he is not living guitar... he _is_ guitar.
This is so cheesy, but so so accurate.
1:11 old Link appears and is like: „Holy Shit i know this“...ptsd kicks in.
Time crisis flashbacks
*Flashbacks followed by random noises and grunts and screams*
Flashbacks to when he first saw the guardian
Even if you didn't know it was from Zelda, it's still just an awesome display of talent that sticks in your head for a while
Its the same for most songs
Honestly I return to this video from time to time. Learned to play guitar, got funky with strumming techiques and still don't understand how he's able to move his hand that fast
people on the street: ohh.... nice spanish song
me: get my shield and sword
@@hylianator it's common sense
It's dangerous to go alone. Take this!! 🗡
Everyone walking by that’s in their late 20s to 40s are definitely thinking “wait... is that? No.. no.. can’t be..”
I’m 21 and I played this game pretty hard a little kid.
Imagine suddenly hearing that on the street
Would be mind blowing
Wow its an aprroved youtuber, im seeing these people nowadays.
@@davidisnotnappingd8183 Greetings stranger
I'd throw my wallet in there xD they can probably sell it for a couple of bucks i dont really have much money....
It’s a tradition to come here every once in a while
I wonder how many people who walked by actually recognized the song
i would hope a lot of people did
I dont know like.... 4?
i think everyone who played The Legend of Zelda 😂
@@geodaddysimp8775 i know,right?
dog I find it quite _bizarre_ that you chose to say the number _4_ specifically. Unless I misunderstood and this happens to be some kind of coincidence
2:43 I love how the Asian dude in the blue shirt is desperately trying to explain to his girl what this is and why it’s dope
What you mean tip !? We no tipa no one Eva !
@@madmedic366 😐
@@felix56p a joke in poor taste, but in all honesty, I did exhale carbon dioxide through my nostrils.
*A shirt of Zelda* dude probably felt all types of lucky after wearing that shirt, and just randomly stumbling into 2 guys playing gerudo valley on the street.
i think he said "yea i could play that for you any time"
This man on the left is casting some sort of fire spell with his hands.
Dins fire*
He inspired the creation of crazy hand
Australian guys playing a song made by a Japanese composer who made it in a Spanish musical style, nice.
Mr Worldwide
Zelda is the great uniter
Don't forget that it's used to represent a Middle Eastern race people in an Egyptian climate.
@@thepotatoportal69in a fictional world based on medieval europe
The public are like “What beautiful Spanish music 😮”
And they’re just like: “That’s where you’re wrong kiddo.”
The public sucks I didn't see anyone donate lol
Oh there go a couple lol
That one gamer: **sweet nostalgia**
That wrist of the man on the left is an anime character on its own and has been training his whole life.
His power level is over 9000!
*Doctors love him, because if you break your hand, you go to the doctor
@@youtubewanderer3347 Doctor who
Navi was slacking. All those people walking by needed to be told "Hey. Listen!"
Underrated comment right here
mans was slapping the shit out of that guitar lmao
It is only 4 chords, lol. That said, he played those 4 chords very well, and did a couple extra ones about 2/3 of the way through.
His slapping reminds me of flea. 🤣
And it's worth noting that that isn't a flamenco guitar with an actual hitter (golpeador) so you can literally break it since it's a flat acoustic guitar not made for percussions nor slapping at all.
Onlookers are like, "wow this is a marvelous traditional Spanish flamenco piece from the baroque period" like nah this was written by a Japanese guy for a videogame in the 90s. Absolutely amazing song. I really wonder what the flamenco community thinks of the song and if they downplay it because it's from a video game.
Flamenco del periodo barroco jajaja eso suena loco
@@luisangelcastillo289 composed
That Kondo nailed a tune from the genre shows you just how creative he is. He composed something in the style and dropped it into the game. Much the same way he composed a rag-time tune and dropped it into Super Mario Bros.
I can imagine a bunch of tourists never hearing of Zelda and being like “oh man that’s some good Spanish guitar shit.”
grandfather walks by with his grandkids, "ahh, now there's a song I haven't heard in years"
Not everyone plays Zelda, but music is a common language for all of us.
@@farticus5135 doot
I see a lot of speed runners in the background missing out !
Great comment.
Original joke, praise this lad
The Gerudo’s would be proud of these voes❤️
They are excepted in gerudo town
Sa'vaq to these voe gods
02:41 my favorite part is when the Japanese couple walks by and the boyfriend starts explaining to his girlfriend where the song is from. He's like the only guy that cleary can tell that it's a zelda song
How’d you know he was Japanese ?
@@fallowsword I guess I'm just psychic or something. It'd be a lot easier if there were certain physical characteristics to Japanese people, that way I wouldn't need my psychic powers
Dam so you dead set have no clarity and you’re just stereotyping and essentially outside of what you want to believe you don’t know 😬
@@fallowsword not to mention, he totally could’ve been saying something entirely different lmao
Is this dude really trying to call me a bigot for being able to pick out a Japanese person? The irony is rich. You're talking as if you think all Asian people look the same while simultaneously trying to talk like an SJW. The level of self contradiction is hilarious
Jesus and Aquaman playing Gerudo Valley on the street...
I didn’t read this chapter of the Bible
Nice profile pic!
The anime was ok though
@@sum1221 juskie is here right
The dislikes are people who couldn't get past the water temple
Made my day.
Agreed but honestly F that temple
@@alyssabidey5723 that temple was the easiest though
Me: *Walking casually*
This song: *plays*
Me: *pulls out master sword* not again
Holy shit I can’t believe I’ve been watching this for a year now
@@kneecapdestroyer1933"Ayaa Ayaa Ayaa"
I’ve come back to this video like, countless times over the years and I still haven’t heard a better rendition of gerudo valley than this; there’s so much spirit injected into this I can’t help but start dancing
All of the people walking and not enjoying this masterpiece are just npcs
Or people tryna pay their bills lmao
you got that right XD
Not dead yet battlefront
@@hax005 he wasnt tho
Me and the boys waiting outside gerudo Town because only women are allowed in there
Oh damn!
*waiting for their girlfriends to finish shopping
Waiting for what?
u gotta get that gerudo fit 😜
2:45 that asian boy is explaining her how to get that golden skulltulla at gerudo valley
zeldafan33 lmao
Lol fucking which one?
zeldafan33 get on that wooden bar and wait til its night
Ah I see the algorithm decided I need to listen to this masterpiece again. Who am I to argue?
Very well equialized. You can hear both guitars clearly
Nintendo be like “all the change in that guitar case is ours now”
well that's Nintendo for you
Nintendrones dropping in to defend Nintendo in 3... 2...
allrequiredfields ...1...
allrequiredfields Excuse me my uncle works for Nintendo it says so on this piece of paper written in crayon, I know the secret code to play as Luigi in Super Mario 64
@@uzer141 🤡
2:50 the asian couple in the background KNOWS
K4inan YES
They know what’s up
Instantly knew after 2 seconds lol
The fact that they switch roles twice without missing a beat is insane!
This is odd. I've seen this video a million times, and it's ended up recommended again. All the comments are from 5 hours ago and everyone is bringing up the same concept lol. What's even weirder is that even if I sort by popular, I don't get any of the old comments...
yeah something wierd happened to the vid
late response but I think it’s cuz of that weird thing where “kid-friendly” videos couldn’t have comments on, I remember because like a few weeks ago the comments were always disabled along with the fact I couldn’t set the vid on mini player
Yeah, something in this video triggered the COPPA bot and disabled the comments and 30 days after this happened, all the old comments got deleted for good. Luckily, the uploader caught on and switched the settings back to "Not made for kids".
The comments are sorted by new
@@kell_0741 I did check, no.
I wonder what was it like just hearing gerudo Valley in the distance as you're walking down the street?
Ah shit here we go again😂
I would've reallllly wanted to be there. I'd give them all my money.
Holy cow! They performed in my city!!
a t l a s me too
XD I also wanted to be there IT IS SO EPIC
a t l a s Not in my city, but close enough to be proud, (Adelaide).
a t l a s epic gamer rise up!
Which city is it?
Love how you can tell the fans of the game by the head turns at the beginning.
Random person: What's this song called?
Me: Gerudo Sandstorm
Gerudo vengeance
Gerudo fire
Gerudo spirit
Gerudo pride
Gerudos blade
Gerudo fury
Gerudo soul
This comment is great
Cristopher Mena lmao what
POWERFUL comment
ngl, mans looks like he's tryna dry his hand after washing it because the dryer wasn't working
This is the best cover i've ever heard. It has all the elements of gerudo valley theme that makes it such a good song
nope, where's the trumpet?
Yeah, where are the godly trumpets!!??
good point guys, nevertheless still gives me that valley feeling :D
GeorgeKonn Listen to Kyle landry piano duet gerudo valley
but the guitar gives it the feeling
Wonder how many ppl actally knew it was from zelda and how many were just thinkin of that as a nice piece of street art music
That's a compliment for the track that many people didn't know that it's from Zelda OoT but still they liked it because of the music.
Man the guy in the left is killing it.
No Guitars being abused here.
Just his hand that's being abused... .3.
DeMaster OfSomething He’s literally playing so good and weird that it looks fake and edited. Legend.
Ducktape says otherwise
Don’t tell me those dudes are poor
Are they ?
Notice the man in the background at 1:16 ?
That's a man who, if he was 20-30 years younger, would have grown up with Nintendo 64, played Ocarina of Time, and been completely blown away just like the rest of us. Hearing the Gerudo Theme -- he can't pinpoint why the melody is moving him to his core, why the rhythm seems so familiar yet so distant, why the song seems to speak to him... What he's experiencing is the intense memory of a younger self, in a parallel dimension, sending ripples through space-time, reminding him of his favorite game he never played.
Either that, or he's a little drunk.
Big L dood my mind is blown
Little drunk
He legit looks like he contemplating life
Hangover. He’s barely hanging onto that water which he obviously forced himself to have to help him through his headache.
The guy even has a triforce shirt on, nice.
I first watched this video in middle school and I still come back to it every once in a while. One of the most kickass vgm covers i've ever heard. And it being a street performance just adds to the vibe.
The kid at 1:59 was jamming out. I was doing the same thing when I was his age. Going to Gerudo valley just to listen
No he really wasn't he was going to drop his shit
Genesect26 oh xd
The game had an okay soundtrack then yes, Gerudo Valley and I was floored.
Gerudo Valley has to be one of the greatest pieces of music I've ever heard.
Yesterday i went through my parents storage unit and i found my old wii and i knew what i had to do i put in oot and went straight to ol' gerudo valley
Someone from the crowd
Straight out of gerudo valley
Them: no were male Gerudo a rare breed
@@poipo_5622 gerudo have dark skin and red hair
@@darukan that makes them even more rare duh you small brain
@@poipo_5622 they aren't gerudo then
"How many versions of Gerudo Valley would you like to hear and watch ?"
Me: Yes.
RUclips Recommended:
I mean it’s a good song
Yeah, I've personally preformed 3 different arrangements and this s*** never gets old. Could listen to it for hours (and have)... Audience loves it, the musicians love, and I feel like I need to say a third group, but I don't know anyone else involved.
Yes is no answer u fokking stupid social Media kid. You weird little Kids that are younger than 20. I hate you all you social Media follower kids
@@acebooncoon11 We got a f***in boomer over here kids... Come take a look at a shi*tposter in their natural environment.
the old man that comes in around 1:15 looks so lost and confused. As if he has heard this song before, he's sure of it, but can only just remember the remnants of the melody from the farthest recesses of his mind. Unable to place the song, he walks away scratching his head, doomed to spend many sleepless nights thinking about that song.
banger btw
Ma guy trying to sound profound🤡
You describe Daruk😊 He left because of wrong song, Links!
He's trying to figure out where he heard this before.
@@beastmaster2752 dang. tried to make an inciteful comment, guess it didn't really work out. At least you took the time to read it, thanks! :)
two asians stop , and then one of them said " yep, it is gerudo valley!"
hahaha u have a good eye.
Mein Liebe what time stamp?
or 2:39
Malcura this video is so sick. Great work on your rendition of this already great piece
That is fucking epic
This cover is so cool and full of passion! I love it! Greetings from Spain! 🌹
Do you want to watch this video for the 5th time in a row?
Add a 0 to that 5 and you got a deal
Bro if I could turn back time I’d go right to this street 8 years ago just to hear this masterpiece in person
I was in Melbourne 8 years ago and I’m literally thinking about the same thing right now
Unfortunatelly you can't be in all places at the same time..😢
The flow of time is always cruel. Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it. A thing that doesn't change with time is a memory of younger days.
Miguel and Tulio in real life playing epic Zelda themes. I've officially seen everything in my life now.
NintenFan on the trail we blaze
NintenFan DreamWorks road to eldorado fan? :D
Childhood haha
wow you're so smart with that reference
Yeah, i'd give them money and tell the people around "Hey, listen!"
+Kamina LOL... Just died with that one
Kamina your profile picture describes everything perfectly
Kooloo limpah!
Kamina the reputation of team Gurren is known far and wide
I'm imagine you with Joh's voice from family guy
Man everyone here cause of the RUclips Algorithm, I’m here cause I just wanted to listen to this for the 40th time
it's been 7 years and there is no other content from this person and I wish there was. I just found this channel by watching this video and I want more. this is so cool. they have so much talent and I want to see it all.
check the first link in the description and then click the channel which posted that ;)
@@MrMuumbutoo I forgot that existed 💀
the guy on 1:03 on the right, instantly knew.. and got sent back in time in his head.. to a good place. then looked down at his kids and saw regret..
looked down at his man purse, thats "instant" regret.
The golden age has passed...
They are probably busier with Fortnite
Michael Atanasio “The golden age” has passed for you. But it’s not like the 90’s was the only time when gaming was good.
Posted: 5 years ago
Comments: 5 hours ago
tis how it be, my friend.
Click he button at the top of the comment section and then click top comments instead of newest comments
The Asian guy at the end talking to his GF knows.
A man of culture indeed
Likley they are hard core gamers...
probably his sister
Stephan Goenner I wouldn’t stand that close to my sister.
@@holylarcenist9596 Neither 😂
@@Urawizardary They are Link-ing arms
(Also sorry)
You know it's hot outside when you hear this as you step outside😂
Love how the boy in the background at 1:59 goes like "F*CK YEAAH, SEIZUREE!"
Won't Tellya That boy knows what they're playing
when his hand said 👋 ⤴️↩️↪️🔀⏬↗️↘️↙️⬅️🔀↪️↩️ i felt that
his hand be havin those flashbacks to randomly swinging around in skyward sword and I felt that 😔
The old guy in the back, staring at them is wondering what his life would have been like if, instead of taking that office job, he followed his dreams and went on tour with his buddy 40 years ago.
hey, I didn't come here to feel :_
Just created an entire back story for an old man.
This reminds me of my oldest brother who passed away. He’d be playing legend of Zelda majoras mask & roam around gerudo valley for days. I’ve listened to this tune so much. I didn’t have any of my own consoles but He’d let me play & I’d have so much fun as a rock person, just spinning and going far distances. I’d spin into enemies and use other masks too. I miss him. Thank you for your music🙏🏻
Gerudo Valley isn't in Majora's Mask, but I'm very sorry for your loss and I genuinely hope you're doing okay.
The guy on the left is crazy!
Sal DiLisio look at the flick of that wrist
Its levioooosah not leviosaaaaaah
Dude was so chill while playing lol
He has to move his hand like that to play the song properly
you clearly never heard vincente amigo or paco de lucia they are pretttyyy awesome
The guy on the lefts hand looks like flint Lockwood when he’s typing
That's too Accurate
As soon as I read that I immediately imagined him doing that and laughed
I just spit out my drink
All the meme comments are cool, but I'm someone who has never played a single zelda game and this moved me. Powerfully. That really says something about this.
It really is an amazing song, these guys' cover certainly did it justice
Check out windmill hut. My favorite song from the zeldaverse
Sorry to say this but I listened to it and I guess it isnt really my jig....
@@willowdrakon how? It's the best (at least in my opinion (but you dont care do you?))
Like you said, 'in your opinion'
I have nothing against you or anyone else liking the song, just isnt something i like
Welcome Back, i know its not your first time here listening to this master piece ❤️
How did you know I'd be back today?!
You got me
@@the47thsoldier67 i will see you soon =)
Well, i got caught by my own comentary and im back again...
Props to the guy on the left
He's like a demi-god
Armando Calvillo woah
Armando Calvillo Did you overdose on your daily salt intake, good sir?
Armando Calvillo wtf? Just... What?? That escalated quickly
Sorry it was a prank
It did not sound like one, dear sir.
That's a 200 rupee song right there
u mean 500 rupees
1000 rupees
Best comment lol
No such thing, it's a 999 rupee song. Can't get any higher. @@rihayu7938
@@paulcziganj4257 depends on the game
2:57 I feel like Asian dude knows it's LoZ.
The Asians always stop for a little while and then go, the rest barely even stay
Lololol thought the same
Asian Dude: I remember this song from when I was little...ahh...the old times when I used t.....
Asian Girlfriend: Omg not this again, you and your little childish video games, lets go!.
His girlfriend didnt let him enjoy the tune :( lol
Of course he knows it's Zelda. He beat the game when he was only 6 months old
that's racist
I spent the last 7 years blissfully unaware of what a gem I was missing out on.
Thank you, RUclips algorithm, for righting your wrong after all this time.
welcome to the club